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$500 – International Membership (practicing physicians outside the U.S.)
$160 – Young Attending Membership (physicians in practice < or = 3 Years)
$60 – Fellow Membership (Proof of training from program director required)
$60 – Resident Membership (Proof of training from program director required)
$60 – Prelim. Resident/Research Fellow (For medical students who are spending a year(s) to do research in preparation for the orthopaedic surgery match and for applicants who have graduated medical school and are completing a preliminary, non-orthopaedic residency in preparation to apply to the orthopaedic surgery match)
$40 – Medical Student Membership
$110 – Affiliate Membership (Non-orthopaedic surgeon physicians, PhDs, PAs, NPs, allied health professionals, and orthopaedic program coordinators)
$100 – International Affiliate (Non-orthopaedic surgeon physicians, PhDs, PAs, NPs, allied health professionals, and orthopaedic program coordinators outside the U.S.)
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