Membership in the largest society of African American, Black, and Under-represented Minority Orthopaedic Surgeons and Allies in the world from every Orthopaedic subspecialty, providing support, educational and leadership opportunities, and networking events
Membership in a premier organization leading the fight for Health Equity through Research, Education, Engagement and Issue Advocacy
Members Include
Attending Orthopaedic Surgeons in all practice models
Orthopaedic Surgeons in private practice, academics, residents, medical students, and retirees
Orthopaedic Department Chairs and Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Program Directors
Representatives from every Orthopaedic subspecialty
Membership Provides
A pipeline to Orthopaedics access, support, expansion, and velocity
Opportunities for roles in and leadership positions on committees and the board, as well as representing JRGOS in the AAOS and collaboration with National Orthopaedic Societies and other national organizations
Fellowship opportunities and grants including traveling fellowships, guest faculty and lecturer opportunities
Funding opportunities for research and project development
Collaboration with national orthopaedic societies and organizations
Weekly E- bulletins with society updates, member updates, and opportunities to submit content as well as Case Corner monthly with member submission of cases online on JRGOS Website
Access to JRGOS Job Boards which lists job offerings and member CVs looking for opportunities
Educational opportunities in person and virtually
Invitations to Annual Luncheon, other JRGOS programs, and national, regional, and metro programs, meetings, networking and social events, many offering member discounts
Networking events and opportunities with colleagues, thought leaders and industry leaders
Opportunities to mentor and be mentored
Invitation to peer-hosted events in major cities for members and their guests
Support for residents and medical students
Involvement in shared mission stakeholder support
Physician Membership
Benefits of Physician Membership Include:
ACCME Accredited Meetings
Preparation for Certification and Recertification Exams
Opportunities to Increase Skill Level (see Research Grants)
Traveling Fellowships & Professor in Residence Program
Skill Course and Didactic Updates (in conjunction with NMA and other Medical Societies)
Practice Assistance
Assistance in Practice Location
Business of Medicine
Practice Opportunities
Research Opportunities
Financial & Administrative Support for Scientific Investigation (see Research Grants)
Physicians certified (or board eligible) by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery or Fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons of Orthopaedics of Canada.
Resident & Fellow Membership
Benefits of Resident & Fellow Membership Include:
Introduction to the standards of orthopaedic surgical practices and the ethical principles of practice with a focus on the deliverance of culturally competent care
Access to the newly developed Resident/Fellow email group
Opportunity to be nominated and serve as a voting member of the JRGOS Board of Directors’ Resident/Fellow Board Member
Opportunity to work with other JRGOS Members toward the continued diversification of orthopaedic residency training programs and the orthopaedic workforce at large
Criteria for Resident/Fellow Membership
Physicians enrolled in orthopaedic residency or orthopaedic fellowship training programs.