Basic Science 2022
Figure 162 is the right shoulder radiograph of a 5-year-old boy who fell and now has right shoulder pain. Prior to the fall he had no history of symptoms. What is the best next step?
Figure 162 is the right shoulder radiograph of a 5-year-old boy who fell and now has right shoulder pain. Prior to the fall he had no history of symptoms. What is the best next step?
Figure A is the biopsy specimen of a 30-year-old man with a 4-month history of a painless, slow-growing mass in his medial thigh. Local imaging (orthogonal radiographs and MR images with intravenous gadolinium) reveals a 6- x 5- x 7-cm heterogeneous mass in the adductor magnus muscle.
An 11-year-old presents with 6-month history of groin pain. X-rays and biopsy specimen are shown in Figure A and B. What is the etiology of the lesion?